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Why Own When You Can Rent?

By: Mark Podolsky September 20, 2011

I’ve blogged about the merits of renting versus owning as it pertains to housing, but what about renting or leasing land?  There are a number of different ways you can lease land.

For example this company HuntFishGeorgia.com is a land use by membership company.  You can pay to become a member and get the use of the land for hunting, fishing camping etc.  The benefits of leasing in this manner are:

1.  Use of multiple properties (you’re aren’t confined to one parcel almost like a time share club)

2.  No maintenance fees

3. No property taxes

4. No need for an umbrella policy in case of injury on your land

5. You get the same benefits of owning at a fraction of the cost

Another benefit of leasing land is the community aspect of like-minded people getting together for the same cause.  This Desert Survivors Club is an excellent example of a community centered organization utilizing land leasing for their members.

You could start any number of communities around your acreage whether it be hunting, fishing, hiking, riding quads, paint ball fighting, hang gliding etc. This is an excellent way for like-minded people to get away and enjoy the outdoors without the costs of ownership.

There are even special interest groups like this one —campout for women.  The use of land leasing is really only limited by your imagination and can be an excellent way to either derive extra income from your land or a way to use land without the burden of ownership.

I will be adding land leasing in a few creative ways in the next few months and I’ll let you know the results.  If you own land that you’d like to lease for extra income shoot me an email and I’ll help you market your property.


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Why Own When You Can Rent…

by Mark Podolsky time to read: 1 min