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The Kindness of Customers

By: Mark Podolsky July 16, 2011

I was listening to an audible.com book the other day titled “Cutting For Stone” and it was an excellent listen about a surgeon from Ethiopia that trains in the U.S., and his view of the United States as an immigrant etc. Anyways, there is a line in the book about how even though America is a tough place to survive and people will try to put you down there is always someone there to pick you up and help you.

I have been the recipient of such kindness on many occasions, but in my youth I took it for granted.  I had no real perspective on how fortunate I was to have someone go out of their way to help me.  In my younger narcissistic days I was constantly hustling and thought that in some way I would get them back one day for their kindness.  Well, I’m ashamed to say that those people come and go I without social media in the Nineties I lost touch with many of those people along the way.  Nevertheless, now that I’m older and wiser I’m more aware of the kindness and generosity of my customers.

My latest investor named Adam, whom I’ve never met face to face has on many occasions gone out of his way to help me with my business.  He told me about docusign.com , suggested affiliate links to improve my cash flow and every time I talk with him has an idea or two to improve my business.  So when I heard that line in the book it made me think of him and how lucky I was to have someone like that in my life.  He probably just enjoys helping people out not realizing how he literally transformed the way I do business.

So, Adam if you’re reading this you know I’m filled with gratitude for all you’ve done to help me out and improve my business and customer service (I’ll email him anyways).

So, it’s my turn to pay it forward.  Email me or call me if you ever need help with analyzing a land transaction or anything else you think I could help with.  I want to be more like Adam.


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The Kindness of Customers…

by Mark Podolsky time to read: 1 min