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Where are all the good books on buying Land?

By: Mark Podolsky March 8, 2011


If you browse your local library or bookstore (are bookstores still in business or is Amazon taking over everything?) you will notice there are a plethora of "how to" books on buying and selling real estate.  Learn how to make a fortune flipping homes!  Create a cash flow empire buying and selling secondary mortgages!  Everything from residential real estate to mobile homes there is a land guru out there ready to teach you how to make your fortune in real estate.  Well, thankfully there are no such "land gurus" out there in the mainstream.  John Beck's infomercial about buying land pennies on the dollar didn't really take.  In fact, he was on 20 / 20 in an expose and his reputation has crashed harder than Charlie Sheen's, Lindsay Lohan and Miley Cyrus combined.  Clearly there is a land guru out there ready to step in and fill the void right?  Well, if there is I haven't found a legitimate one yet.  We know how to buy and sell raw land in our little niche, but we certainly aren't going to charge you for the information.  Just read our blog!  Anyways, I digress. I have found one little book that teaches you how to buy land and build your rural home in the Country.  The book is a classic.  It's titled "Finding & Buying your Place in the Country" by Les & Carol Scher.  It's a fantastic tome where you learn about drainage, soil, vegetation and easements.  They talk about dealing with land brokers, land contracts and water rights.  In fact, it's so detailed that if you are serious about acquiring land and building your home on it it's a must have reference book.  I often go back to it and learn a little something new each time.  They even have useful websites referenced even though they may be a bit outdated today.  So ignore all the other "Land Guru" noise you may come across online and pick up this one book. You'll be glad you did.

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Where are all the good bo…

by Mark Podolsky time to read: 1 min