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The land business in the digital age is wonderful

By: Mark Podolsky March 4, 2011

I love working in the digital age.  It's an absolute pleasure compared to what we had to do just 3 years ago before the days of Google Earth and ubiquitous broadband.  In the "old days" we'd have to stomp on each and every property to confirm the topography, make sure people weren't dumping on it and meeting with the County officials to research each parcel in their office.  In short, it was a lot of time, work and money compared to today.  

Now, we inspect a property on Google earth with satellite images.  Go to the Superfund site to insure there are no environmental issues and then surf on over the County Web site to confirm ownership, assessed value etc.  In short, we can do an acquisition from anywhere in the world as long as we have a computer and Internet access.  It's amazing! 

To market the land we bought, we can create maps galore all from using online plat maps, google earth satellite maps, online topography maps to the point that our prospective investors can see the whole story of the parcel just short of walking it.  Then they save time and money!  Plus, advertising the property is as simple as a few clicks of the mouse and keyboard as opposed to radio or television advertising which was ridiculously expensive and inefficient. We are living in a digital renaissance age and probably don't even appreciate it.  I love this YouTube video below that really captures the essence of how everything is so wonderful today technologically speaking and yet people still complain… 


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The land business in the …

by Mark Podolsky time to read: 1 min